tchzo solutions - overview


Salonzo is solution especially tailored to beauty parlors, salons and spa's


otzo connects auto mechanics with their customers. THis one stop solution helps in managing garages smart and efficiently

What is otzo and salonzo?

otzo and salonzo connects all stakeholders of a customer with their business. It is a unified communication tool for customers, staff, and business owners

Cloud Solution

Being a cloud software, you can rely on scalability, deployment and security at an affordable cost

Administration Solution

Admin otzo and salonzo uses modern capabilities to deliver rich user interface experience. The app is immersive and helps in maintaining and managing the business effectively.

Client Solution

Client otzo and salonzo is an app that bundles together lot of features in a way that is accessible to android and IOS users.

Serverless solution

Serverless solution allocates machine resources on demand, taking care of the servers on behalf of their customers.

Software as a Service

SAAS works through the cloud delivery model. SAAS Solutions are accessible to device with a network. No setup and maintenance just subscribe and gain access to the software, which is a ready-made solution.

Realtime Solution

Realtime syncing makes it easy for your users to access their data from any device: web or mobile, and it helps your users in sync

Our features

A list of features that makes every stakeholder more productive and get connected